Sam Rulli

Svelte - The New Horizon in Front-end Development?

4 min read

In recent years, front-end development has been dominated by popular libraries and frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js. However, a new and promising contender has emerged on the scene: Svelte. This innovative front-end framework has been attracting more and more developers, thanks to its unique approach and impressive performance. In this article, we will explore what makes Svelte special and why it might be the next big thing in front-end development.

Svelte is often referred to as a front-end framework, but technically, it’s a bit different from traditional frameworks. Instead of providing a runtime abstraction layer like the mentioned frameworks, Svelte compiles components directly into optimized JavaScript code during the build step.

So, although it’s often categorized as a framework due to its comparable functionality and features, Svelte is more of a compiler that generates highly optimized code for creating web user interfaces. Either way, it offers a development experience similar to other popular frameworks.

A Revolutionary Approach to Component Creation

Svelte’s main innovation is the way it deals with the creation and manipulation of components. While frameworks like React and Vue.js use a virtual DOM-based approach, Svelte takes a different path. It compiles components directly into optimized JavaScript code during the build step, eliminating the need for a runtime abstraction layer.

This approach results in extremely efficient and high-performing components since the generated code is optimized and the work of updating the DOM is minimized. This also leads to a smaller bundle size since there’s no need to include a runtime library in the final package.

Elegant and Easy-to-Learn Syntax

Svelte features a simple and intuitive syntax, making it accessible for developers of all experience levels. Svelte components are structured based on .Svelte files, which contain HTML, JavaScript, and CSS in a single file. This makes organizing and managing components easier, as well as identifying and fixing issues.

Let’s take a look at a basic Svelte component example:

<!-- File: HelloWorld.Svelte -->
  let message = 'Hello, world!';

  h1 {
    color: blue;


This component displays a simple "Hello, world!" message in an HTML header. The <script> tag contains the JavaScript logic, while the <style> tag defines the CSS styling. The interpolation syntax {message} is used to display the message variable in the header.

Additionally, Svelte supports a range of advanced features, such as built-in transitions and animations, custom directives, and native reactivity. Here’s an example of how to add a simple transition to an element:

<!-- File: FadeIn.Svelte -->
  import { fade } from 'Svelte/transition';
  let visible = true;

  button {
    margin-bottom: 10px;

<button on:click={() => (visible = !visible)}>
  {visible ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}

{#if visible}
  <p transition:fade>I appear and disappear with a fade effect.</p>

In this example, we import the fade function from the Svelte transitions package and apply it to a <p> element. We use the {#if} directive to show or hide the element based on the value of the visible variable. The button toggles the visibility of the element, and the fade effect is automatically applied during transitions.

Growing Community and Ecosystem

If you’re considering trying out a new front-end framework or are just starting to explore the world of web development, Svelte might be an attractive and promising option to adopt. With simple examples like these, you can begin to familiarize yourself with Svelte’s syntax, and in no time, create more complex and interactive web applications.


If you’d like to take a look at a small project I did to test out Svelte, check out the link

Sam Rulli